Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Benghazi - Nothing New ???

Hillary Clinton, the news media, and many Clinton supporters place ideology and party over country and just dismiss the whole Benghazi murders of 4 Americans as "old news, nothing new". I guess that makes it all OK with them. And somebody please tell me how White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, looks at himself in the mirror in the morning? What kind of people are these?

Usually when a person is in charge of something, like a CEO, they are responsible. Not the case with Hillary and the State Department where under her "leadership" she had direct responsibility for our embassies and consulates throughout the world. This includes their funding, staffing, and protection. Yet the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a very dangerous and volatile region of the world, was grossly under protected....even with fore-warnings of dangers. In addition it was September 11. Yet the Consulate was attacked by organized terrorist action on that day and our Ambassador and 3 other Americans were murdered. Hillary and the Obama administration knew that evening that it was an organized terrorist attack. Yet for political purpose they chose to lie about it to the American people and tell us it was a spontaneous outbreak caused by a You Tube video. Hillary not only lied, she sent her report, US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, out to 5 major TV networks to perpetuate the lie. Hillary then proceeded to lie to the families of the deceased Americans when their coffins were returned to the US.

The unspoken word was "let them die", the Obama re-election narrative was more important than the lives of four Americans and the truth.

Hillary! This is the person that they say has the "experience" to be President of the United States. For those that place ideology, party, and narrative falsehoods over truth...they are right! This is old news, nothing new, and that makes it all OK...with them...and the media.

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

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