Friday, April 8, 2016

America Being Purposely Destroyed

One has to come to the conclusion that President Obama is purposely trying to destroy America, and he is succeeding. He continually creates division among people based upon race, religion, gender, party, economic status, and issues concerning our country's origin, purpose, and status in the world. He attempts to assemble all power at the Federal government level contrary to our founding as a nation. He has shown a pattern of executive decisions that circumvent the Constitution and the balance of power in our government. His administration has used the agencies of the Federal government to harass and act against those who have views contrary to his policies. He has not only given up our world leadership as a nation, he has gone so far as to blame America for world problems.

He has systematically and greatly reduced the strength of our military to dangerous levels; to the point that makes us vulnerable to attack. He has essentially given up our status in space leadership. Yet his direct actions or in-actions have created a world on fire with lack of unity and great dissension, allowing pure evil to gain footholds in the Mid East and elsewhere. He has refused to identify or even use the words "radical Islamic terrorism" that is a major threat to the United States and the world. By abdicating our position as a world leader he has created a vacuum that places us on the verge of World War III. He has conducted a secret deal with Iran, the world's greatest exporter of terrorism, and has essentially given them a free path toward nuclear capability. This is a country whose stated objective is to not only destroy Israel, but the United States. Can you imagine the future for our children? He has insulted one of our greatest allies, Israel, and has fueled anti-Israel and anti Semitic feelings throughout the world. He has driven legislation and the federal government against Christians in attempting to force them to violate their faith. He refuses to recognize the ongoing genocide against Christians throughout the Mid East and elsewhere.

While continuing with out of control spending, he has driven our national debt to such an astronomical level that we are at the verge of economic collapse, soon to surpass $20 trillion and far beyond. The Obama administration has driven America into becoming a dependent society. Over 46 million people are on food stamps (now debit cards). Close to 20 million of work eligible people aren't working (after subtracting school age and those 65+). Welfare / financial assistance fraud is out of control at the federal and state levels. Not only does this negatively affect our economy, but it hurts those who really need our help. The financial failure of the Federal government will create a domino affect since states and municipalities are heavily dependent upon the Feral government for money. Any logical person knows that this is economically unsustainable. He has denied the existence and stunted the growth of businesses by over regulation.

While it is possible to have a legal, compassionate and orderly immigration policy he has allowed a situation where there is total anarchy at our borders. Worse, he purposely brings in thousands of unchecked and unvetted refugees, some of whom may be dangerous to our country. The out of control entry into our country is not only irresponsible, it invites health, economic, criminal problems, and even terrorism resulting in the loss of many American lives.

President Obama has continually lied to the American people, misled us, contradicted himself, and covered up vital national issues for political power and gain. Many are afraid to speak up since they will certainly be accused of being racists or haters, where in reality they oppose his policies for very good reasons. This is most always their first line of defense. The media for ideological or other unexplained reasons not only has failed to expose his sure path toward destroying our country, but is complicit with it. History will show that one of our greatest failures will have been due to the media completely abdicating their journalistic profession and their sacred Constitutional role of "freedom of the press" as a watchdog to our country. Just as guilty are both parties of Congress who have done nothing and appear driven only by party, and personal gain, not what is best for America.

What our nation needs, as never before, are heroes who will stand up and save our country. This is our only hope. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

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