Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Benghazi - Nothing New ???

Hillary Clinton, the news media, and many Clinton supporters place ideology and party over country and just dismiss the whole Benghazi murders of 4 Americans as "old news, nothing new". I guess that makes it all OK with them. And somebody please tell me how White House Press Secretary, Josh Earnest, looks at himself in the mirror in the morning? What kind of people are these?

Usually when a person is in charge of something, like a CEO, they are responsible. Not the case with Hillary and the State Department where under her "leadership" she had direct responsibility for our embassies and consulates throughout the world. This includes their funding, staffing, and protection. Yet the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a very dangerous and volatile region of the world, was grossly under protected....even with fore-warnings of dangers. In addition it was September 11. Yet the Consulate was attacked by organized terrorist action on that day and our Ambassador and 3 other Americans were murdered. Hillary and the Obama administration knew that evening that it was an organized terrorist attack. Yet for political purpose they chose to lie about it to the American people and tell us it was a spontaneous outbreak caused by a You Tube video. Hillary not only lied, she sent her report, US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, out to 5 major TV networks to perpetuate the lie. Hillary then proceeded to lie to the families of the deceased Americans when their coffins were returned to the US.

The unspoken word was "let them die", the Obama re-election narrative was more important than the lives of four Americans and the truth.

Hillary! This is the person that they say has the "experience" to be President of the United States. For those that place ideology, party, and narrative falsehoods over truth...they are right! This is old news, nothing new, and that makes it all OK...with them...and the media.

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA 

Friday, April 8, 2016

America Being Purposely Destroyed

One has to come to the conclusion that President Obama is purposely trying to destroy America, and he is succeeding. He continually creates division among people based upon race, religion, gender, party, economic status, and issues concerning our country's origin, purpose, and status in the world. He attempts to assemble all power at the Federal government level contrary to our founding as a nation. He has shown a pattern of executive decisions that circumvent the Constitution and the balance of power in our government. His administration has used the agencies of the Federal government to harass and act against those who have views contrary to his policies. He has not only given up our world leadership as a nation, he has gone so far as to blame America for world problems.

He has systematically and greatly reduced the strength of our military to dangerous levels; to the point that makes us vulnerable to attack. He has essentially given up our status in space leadership. Yet his direct actions or in-actions have created a world on fire with lack of unity and great dissension, allowing pure evil to gain footholds in the Mid East and elsewhere. He has refused to identify or even use the words "radical Islamic terrorism" that is a major threat to the United States and the world. By abdicating our position as a world leader he has created a vacuum that places us on the verge of World War III. He has conducted a secret deal with Iran, the world's greatest exporter of terrorism, and has essentially given them a free path toward nuclear capability. This is a country whose stated objective is to not only destroy Israel, but the United States. Can you imagine the future for our children? He has insulted one of our greatest allies, Israel, and has fueled anti-Israel and anti Semitic feelings throughout the world. He has driven legislation and the federal government against Christians in attempting to force them to violate their faith. He refuses to recognize the ongoing genocide against Christians throughout the Mid East and elsewhere.

While continuing with out of control spending, he has driven our national debt to such an astronomical level that we are at the verge of economic collapse, soon to surpass $20 trillion and far beyond. The Obama administration has driven America into becoming a dependent society. Over 46 million people are on food stamps (now debit cards). Close to 20 million of work eligible people aren't working (after subtracting school age and those 65+). Welfare / financial assistance fraud is out of control at the federal and state levels. Not only does this negatively affect our economy, but it hurts those who really need our help. The financial failure of the Federal government will create a domino affect since states and municipalities are heavily dependent upon the Feral government for money. Any logical person knows that this is economically unsustainable. He has denied the existence and stunted the growth of businesses by over regulation.

While it is possible to have a legal, compassionate and orderly immigration policy he has allowed a situation where there is total anarchy at our borders. Worse, he purposely brings in thousands of unchecked and unvetted refugees, some of whom may be dangerous to our country. The out of control entry into our country is not only irresponsible, it invites health, economic, criminal problems, and even terrorism resulting in the loss of many American lives.

President Obama has continually lied to the American people, misled us, contradicted himself, and covered up vital national issues for political power and gain. Many are afraid to speak up since they will certainly be accused of being racists or haters, where in reality they oppose his policies for very good reasons. This is most always their first line of defense. The media for ideological or other unexplained reasons not only has failed to expose his sure path toward destroying our country, but is complicit with it. History will show that one of our greatest failures will have been due to the media completely abdicating their journalistic profession and their sacred Constitutional role of "freedom of the press" as a watchdog to our country. Just as guilty are both parties of Congress who have done nothing and appear driven only by party, and personal gain, not what is best for America.

What our nation needs, as never before, are heroes who will stand up and save our country. This is our only hope. 

Al DiLascia
Chicopee, MA

Saturday, March 19, 2016

US Government, Wall Street Banks Defrauded American People

Starting in 1977 and continuing through several presidential administrations (both democrat and republican), aided by members of Congress, and coupled with large Wall Street banks, the economic crisis and collapse of the US economy resulted in 2008. It started with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 that was enacted to help borrowers of low and moderate income. It sounds like a great thing to do, but what resulted was corrupt and a disaster. Nine (9) legislative and regulatory changes were made to CRA starting in 1989 that assured making the outcome worse. The entire banking industry turned from bonds that were government / municipal and corporate oriented to those that were private based upon "mortgage backed securities". What could be safer than bundling a bunch of diversified home mortgages together under a bond? And they were given a "Triple A" rating as well as offering high yields! A VP from Salomon Brothers lobbied in Washington to remove legal and tax barriers and succeeded.

The problem is these bundles contained a high number of "sub prime" mortgages of low income people that were in no position to pay. Yet they were encouraged by banks, our government, and members of Congress to buy homes that they couldn't afford. These people were being used, not helped, to build up the mortgage / bond portfolio. They would suffer frustration for not being able to pay and eventual foreclosure and eviction. Not to be outdone our federal government, under government sponsored Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Ginnie Mae home loans began to increase the number of sub prime mortgages to alarming levels, up to 55% in 2007. As a reward the head of Fannie Mae received $90 million in salary and bonuses. When members of Congress responsible for oversight were called before Congressional committees, or spoke to the media, they viciously defended the solvency of these government backed agencies....even attacked those who suggested otherwise.

The Wall Street large banks were riding high, making a ton of money on high yields on these "mortgage backed securities" / bonds and yet no one wanted to look underneath as sub prime mortgages rose from $30 billion in the mid 1990's to a whopping $625 billion in 2005. It was only a matter of time when the whole bottom would fall out and it did in 2007 - 08. The economic crisis that resulted was more than just due to the sub prime mortgages, but this was a prime mover in the crisis of 2008. Yet during and after the collapse Wall Street Banks were giving their executives huge bonuses.

So what was the result that was thrust...not on the banks, not on the federal government, not on members of Congress that helped cause this? It was thrust upon the American people, the taxpayers to bail out the banks! Not only that, the result was $5 trillion lost in pension money, 401K savings, other personal savings, and real estate value as bonds disappeared. In addition 8 million jobs were lost, and 6 million lost their homes. Our national debt has skyrocketed to over $19 trillion a level that all Americans, our children and grandchildren and beyond will be burdened by. A terrible legacy to leave.

Yet not one executive from Wall Street, one member of Congress, one person in our federal administration, one person from the Federal Reserve...has gone to jail for defrauding the American people of over $5 trillion. Yet the same thing is creeping in all over again, Wall Street just changes the name to confuse people. Several large banks began selling something called "bespoke trance opportunity", just another name for CDO's (collateral debt obligation) or mortgage backed securities. Have you noticed ads on television where people are encouraged to apply for home mortgages with no money down? There is also a major push now going on from our federal government to make home loans available to people with weaker credit. Not only have we not learned from the economic collapse of 2008, we are repeating the root causes of it all over again.

The American people need to be more aware of what caused the economic collapse of our country in 2008 AND... to speak up, act, and ensure that it doesn't happen again.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

So You Want to Vote for Hillary? Facts on Hillary Clinton

* As a 27 year old lawyer Hillary Clinton was fired from the Watergate Committee by lifelong and respected Democrat, Jerry Zeifman, Chief of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate scandal. She was fired by Zeifman for being a liar and for unethical behavior.

* Hillary was involved in a fraudulent land scheme, Whitewater, while she was a partner in the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Some say she masterminded it. A key witness and financial partner of Hillary, Jim McDougal, was sent to prison and died there. Also with the Rose Law Firm were Webster Hubbell and Vince Foster. Hubbell was sent to prison for tax fraud; Vince Foster turned up dead in Fort Mercy Park, Virginia. There were some questions about his death, he was a material witness into the Whitewater Investigation.

* Hillary fired the head of the White House Travel Office, Billy Dale, based upon trumped up false charges. She then put in his place friends, Harry and Susan Thomas, so that they could reap the benefits of the government travel office. Billy Dale was later cleared of all her charges, but not before his life was virtually ruined. This came to be known as "Travelgate".

* In what became known as "Filegate" it was uncovered by the House Government and Reform Oversight Committee that Hillary had ordered up, without proper legal justification, more than 900 FBI files concerning the White House Travel Office scandal in an attempt to cover up this information. During this same Committee investigation it was discovered that Hillary and Bill Clinton also covered up and suppressed more than a million potentially incriminating E-mails.

* While Hillary, to this day, claims to be a champion of women's rights throughout her married life she has been an enabler of her husband toward the sexual harassment of women. She places political ambition ahead of women's dignity and rights. He used his high executive positions as Governor of Arkansas and President of the United States in order to gain or force sexual favor. This is sexual harassment at the highest level. Hillary not only enabled her husband in this illegal practice, she attacked the women who came out and disclosed his predatory actions. Kathleen Wiley, one of Bill Clinton's victims, said of Hillary: "How can you be a champion of women's rights and turn around and do what she's done to women like me?"

* Nothing was more devastating to the United States as what happened during the Clinton Presidency as he was moving toward his 2nd term and money was needed for the Democratic Party and his reelection campaign. It has been called "Chinagate" and even though documented the full extent of it's damage to America for some reason has not been fully revealed. During this period of time Hillary was heavily involved, so much so that many considered her as "Co-President". She was said to be the mastermind of the scheme where the Clinton reelection campaign of 1996 took bribes from communist Chinese banks and their government in order to bankroll their reelection campaign. She had Secretary of Commerce, Ron Brown, sell seats to executives of major corporations who were seeking Chinese business on Department trade missions to China.

During this time VITAL secret US information was given to the Chinese including rocket, missile, and space technology, nuclear weapons technology, encryption technology, military logistics technology and more. Just before Bill Clinton left office he gave China perpetual Most Favored Nation trade status with America. Today we can see the fruits of all this where China has surged in their rocket and space programs and where they have dramatically improved militarily. We can also thank Bill and Hillary Clinton for the fact that practically everything that we buy in America today is "Made in China". The "Chinagate" scandal in late 1996 and early 1997 got to such a level that joint congressional hearings were impaneled. Yet the convenient short memory of the media along with the Monica Lewinsky scandal caused the whole thing to just drift away.

And then there is Sandy Berger, former National Security Adviser to Bill Clinton. In 1999 he was "criticized" for not disclosing the espionage that China had acquired the designs of several US nuclear warhead designs. Yet he knew about this in 1996. In 1998 a diversion took place, taking people off track. A Chinese / American scientist, Wen Ho Lee, was falsely accused of nuclear weapons espionage in giving information to China. This took attention away from the Clinton administration. Wen Ho Lee spent 9 months in prison without due process. Upon his release the federal judge apologized to him. In 2003 Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents out of the National Archives, stuffing them into his pants and socks. On all counts the Clinton's stood up for him, he got away with a misdemeanor charge. No matter, in Hillary's 2008 run for President, Sandy Berger was her Foreign Policy Adviser for her campaign.

* It is well documented and it has been extensively reported about Hillary's utter disdain for members of the White House Staff during the Clinton Presidency, including aids, Secret Service personnel, the FBI, and especially the military. She has been quoted as using the most profane foul language imaginable to the people around her...really degrading others. This should be a window into Hillary's true character.

* "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base." Hillary Clinton giving a speech at George Washington University, March 17, 2008. Yet a number of media people present and nearly 100 accounts of her visit to Bosnia showed NO threats or sniper fire whatsoever on her visit. Telling the truth...or a measure of character.

* Hillary Clinton. as Secretary of State had a direct responsibility for US Embassies and for Consulates. This includes their funding, staffing, and protection. Yet the Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, a very dangerous and volatile region of the world, was grossly under protected....even with fore-warnings of dangers. In addition it was September 11. Yet the Consulate was attacked by organized terrorist action on that day and our Ambassador and 3 other Americans were murdered. Hillary and the Obama administration knew that evening that it was an organized terrorist attack. Yet for political purpose they chose to lie about it to the American people and tell us it was a spontaneous outbreak caused by a You Tube video. Hillary not only lied, she sent her report, US Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, out to 5 major TV networks to perpetuate the lie. Hillary then proceeded to lie to the families of the deceased Americans when their coffins were returned to the US.

* As Secretary of State she conducted correspondence, a significant amount top secret, on her private E-mail server. She then lied about it, and destroyed thousands of E-mails. She committed felonies by her actions. She put the United States at risk by using private E-mails, easy for foreign governments to intercept. She and her staff have committed numerous federal crimes involving negligent and improper handling of classified information. There are over 1,200 classified E-mails, not including those that the FBI is recovering from her hard drives. She has made false statements, under oath, both in interviews and on Capitol Hill. The FBI evidence is so overwhelming that US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, will HAVE to bring forward charges for prosecution. If she does not, due to political pressure from the White House, there will be a massive revolt within the FBI and the intelligence community. Nothing is more revealing as to the true character of Hillary Clinton than this.   

* The Clinton Foundation is fraught with many highly questionable monetary transactions. Money flowed into the Foundation after Russian sources were enabled to acquire uranium. The "charity" took in more than $140 million in grants in 2013, but spent just $9 million on direct charitable aid. The bulk of its windfall is spent on administration, travel, salaries, and bonuses, with the majority going to family friends. It is on the Charity Navigator's "watch list". Highly questionable, while Secretary of State the Foundation accepted contributions from foreign governments. Charles Krauthammer called the Clinton Foundation "organized crime" at it's finest...and we are financing it. It works as a tax free international money laundering scheme. It may eventually prove to be the largest political criminal enterprise in U.S. history. Accepting contributions from foreign governments while Secretary of State is a criminal violation of office at the highest order.

* As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was highly instrumental in installing the Muslim Brotherhood in leadership in Egypt. Her multiple public remarks made it appear that the Muslim Brotherhood were as innocuous as the Boy Scouts, yet they were a known terrorist organization. After a short while the Muslim Brotherhood leadership was thrown out of office by the Egyptian people as they attempted to install a dictatorial government under Sharia law.

We are at the crossroads in American history. I cannot recall our great country being so low. Yet we have in front of us an opportunity, perhaps a last chance to save our country by placing good leadership in the highest office. Americans need to stop...and place country ahead of party and ideology. I ask you to look at the facts above and ask yourself...Is this they type of person that you want to lead our country?